
Austrian Association for Byzantine Studies

The Austrian Association for Byzantine Studies (ÖBG), founded on March 20, 1946, is dedicated to the academic and public promotion of Byzantine studies in Austria and the exploration of the history and culture of Byzantium.
The board of the ÖBG represents Austrian Byzantine studies as the National Committee in the international association Association Internationale des Études Byzantines.


Claudia Rapp (President)
Andreas Rhoby (Vice President)
Krystina Kubina (Secretary)
Nikos Zagklas (Treasurer)
Christophe Erismann, Basema Hamarneh, Andreas Külzer, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Giulia Rossetto, Elisabeth Schiffer, Maria A. Stassinopoulou, Lioba Theis, Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt (Members)