Abstract Submission
Call for Free Communications and Posters
If you would like to present your work at the ICBS 2026, you are invited to submit an abstract for Free Communications and Posters by April 30, 2025.
Please note that Plenary Sessions, Round Tables, and Thematic Sessions have already been scheduled. If you contribute to any of these formats, you do not need to upload your abstract now.
Proposals for Free Communications may be submitted as individual papers or group sessions.
Submissions for Single Papers (10–15 minutes) and Posters must include the following information:
- name of the speaker
- paper title
- abstract (maximum 300 words)
- up to five keywords
Posters accepted will be presented in printed form at the International Congress of Byzantine Studies, but also in digital form via the Congress Website (ahead and after the event). Details for format and layout will be provided when a poster proposal has been accepted.
Group submissions (90 minutes) should consist of 4–6 speakers affiliated to institutions in at least two different countries. The following information is required:
- name of the convener
- session title
- names of the speakers and titles of their contributions
- group abstract (maximum 300 words)
- up to five keywords
Languages: You can submit your abstract in English, French, German, Italian, or Modern Greek.
Abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published on the website.